Script Assessment
You have an idea for a play but maybe you feel in need of some personal guidance or helpful criticism. Our Script Assessment Service is for people like you. Your play will be read by the three members of our Reading Panel, all active in the professional theatre, who will each provide constructive suggestions on how your script could be developed. Assessments are designed to encourage writers, focusing on dialogue, characterisation, narrative, stage directions and setting the scene.
What to do with your script
Step 1
If you would like to submit a play for assessment, email your script as an attachment in Word or printable pdf format to Scripts will be read blind, so please ensure that all personal details have been removed from your script.
Step 2
In order to assess your script, we charge a fee of £25 to contribute towards costs, to be paid when the script is submitted. Secure payment facilities are available in the Radius online shop.
Step 3
Your script will be sent to the three Readers and their assessments emailed to you. Please allow six weeks for this process.
NB The assessment panel will consider any script, but if you are hoping that Radius might include it in our list of available plays there are certain things you should bear in mind:
- we are mainly looking for plays lasting about an hour and no longer than 90 minutes;
- our plays fall into two broad categories: plays for use in church at defined points in the Church’s year, particularly Christmas and Easter, or plays on social, ethical and spiritual themes which may not be explicitly religious but which are of interest to people of faith.
- Radius’s strapline is ‘exploring faith through drama’ and our aim is not to preach but to open up possibilities.