Welcome to Radius

Welcome to Radius

Welcome to Radius

Welcome to Radius

Welcome to Radius

Welcome to Radius

exploring faith through drama
The Religious Drama Society of Great Britain

A new play for Radius

Sphinx by Annie Fox was joint winner of the 2022 Radius Playwriting Competition and we are delighted that it has now been added to the Radius Script Collection.  Click HERE for details. 

Save the dates in 2025

20 May:  The Third Kathleen Hall Lecture with the Revd Dr Sam Wells at 7 pm in St Andrew’s, Waterloo.

20 September: Puppetry and the Human with Ester Natzijl in St Oswald’s parish hall, Thirsk.

Radius Performing: featured article

Anna Wheeler reviews The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. Click here.

What are the best religious plays? Click here to see the Flannery Shortlist

Featured Pages


Click here to join via the Radius shop.

Radius Membership is £20 per year, £10 for students.

Radius is a charity run by its members. Join us to share the inspiration drama can provide in a faith context. Membership offers opportunities to connect and contribute across Britain and beyond.

Members receive a print magazine, Radius Performing, three times a year, plus email news updates. In addition to our public events, we network through online member-only sessions which include playreadings exploring our extensive script collection. We may also offer member discounts on ticketed events.

Presenting the Passion with James Pacey

This webinar is coming soon on Radius YouTube

Rowan Williams Video is



Radius is a registered charity 214943